Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Drawing Class at Spring House Today!

Tallahassee is the location of the only Florida residence designed and built by Frank Lloyd Wright. The home was designed and built for George Lewis II, his wife Clifton Van Brunt Lewis, and their four children - George Edward, Van, Byrd, and Ben. She and George worked for more than thirty years together, at different times with different institutions and people, to turn their dream of having Spring House become a teaching institute for use by FSU, FAMU, TCC, UF and other interested organizations into a reality. Clifton started the non-profit, tax-deductible Spring House Institute after George's death in 1996, and is working to raise money to restore and finish Spring House for use as the institute, which remains their goal. Today, I took my drawing class to Spring House for some pre-spring break inspiration. 

 Byrd Lewis in the window reflection


  1. Spectacular house; so glad it's getting a major restoration! How fun to see all those students ranging around the house and the surrounding woods, looking at the place through artists' eyes, which it deserves. Love the photos, especially the ones with reflections that blur the boundaries between the people and the house & the setting. Thanks!

  2. It was so awesome. I loved going :)

  3. Very nice info and photos here. Who actually owns the house? I'm in Sarasota and a professional photographer, and would love to get some shots when I get up that way in 2013. Thank you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Charles, Here is a link to Spring House Institute with its history. Contact Byrd Lewis, she'll talk to you about any arrangements to photograph the house.
