Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Inching Through/Towards Something

I've made a little more progress on Night See. A process shot:

The learning curve is high and I'll be relieved to see this piece working and completed. 

Meanwhile, progress has also been slow but steady for the tenure binder, my collab with Joelle Dietrick, and Variance Invariance; and as I watch paint dry and patiently mask new areas for thin stripes of color I've been thinking about Ben Davis' 9.5 Theses. Even though my relationship to production is in some ways independent, I can't deny I've got that working stiff feeling this summer. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

More ViV

Variance Invariance works on 3 levels: the sets I will be sending out to participants; the mini-versions, which will be produced as book editions (late 2013); and a downloadable paper version available to everyone for free. Here is the paper version in its beginning stages: